Kids prints from the Sky Collection (you must discover)

What are the Sky Collection kids prints?

Discover adorable series of prints inspired by Nature

This is the post about the kids prints collection inspired by nature. No matter how stimulating and fascinating the media could be (see my previous post about inspiration for interior design), what could be more fascinating than nature?

When you’re a grown-up, things become …. invisible to you. But when you’re discovering the world around you, everything is a thrill and magic. And we’re talking about anything of the likes of puddles, rain, rainbow and a wind.

I closed my grown-up eyes and re-open them again when designing this collection. It wasn’t ‘The Collection’ from the very beginning, but a series of sketches and impressions I was noting in my head and on the paper with my little daughter. So, for example think dots, lines, simple shapes. You may be surprised, but that’s all you need to recreate the fascinating world around you.

The ‘Sky Collection’ kids prints detail gallery

Do you know who said: ‘There’s no magic in magic, It’s all in the details’ ? It was Walt Disney. I guess he got it perfectly right. And it’s truth that every little detail becomes a part of the story. Rain pouring. Drops of water transform into an ornament. Clouds hiding. A very detailed look of the detail of a detail 😉

Trivial motifs like the rain 🌧 or sun-rays could become a fascinating composition of dots, lines and circles.  I have layered structures and shapes to make each picture an interesting study for a curious child’s eye

Gosia from Design Home Space

That’s why all kids prints in the Sky Collection are made of simple shapes, lines and colours. I layered structures and shapes to make each picture an interesting study for a curious child’s eye. So when hanging in a nursery or a kid’s room they could be a great piece to stare at and be inspired.

‘There’s no magic in magic, it’s all in the details’

Walt Disney

Have a look at The Sky Story that tells the extraordinary tale about the ordinary world around us.

Out of nowhere, I created spontaneously ‘The Sky Story’ for an Instagram post. It took a moment to create. The whole point of it was to showcase each print in a quirky way. And so this infantile animated story gives each print a special role, place and name. I hope it brings a smile to your face too.

‘Rainy’ kids posters

Have I mentioned before that all my design inspiration originates from nature?. Since I live in Ireland I realized that my vocabulary became more precise and subtle when it comes to rain. And because it rains in Ireland a lot, I had an extra advantage to get inspired by the rain. Lucky me! (ha ha).
I think I experienced anything from the drizzle, showers: either blustery, heavy or scattered, torrential rain, shitty rain, heavy downpour of rain, rainstorm.

So now you know where I took my inspiration for my ‘Rainy’ kids prints as I call them. Here I present you: ‘The Clouds’, ‘The Rain Rain’, ‘The Sky Hoop‘, and also ‘The Snow Cookie

The raining mandalas. ‘The Clouds’ poster

‘The Clouds’ prints emerged from my computer file during the January, February rainy season. Believe me or not, but I dare to think that there’s a bit of ‘extraterrestrial’ or spiritual to them as I created a few mandalas like ornaments to add variety to the rainy drama. Have a look at the detail in a gallery above.

The Rain Rain‘ prints

The Snow Cookie’ print

If you feel a bit Christmasy when looking at ‘The Snow Cookie’, you got it right. I started working on it before and after Christmas. And that is why the red and blue and pink has a very wintery feeling to them. That’s why, in my ‘Sky Story’ this print got the name ‘The Snow Cookie’ as it reminds me of a Christmas ornament.

Seven colour versions? ‘The Sky Hoop‘ print

I’m not going to lie, it was the same with ‘The Sky Hoop’, when Christmas time combined the sky and the winter in one print. In fairness, the colour palette of these prints went a bit wild as I have done seven colour versions of it!

Mad, I know, but I have tested it with friends and every single colour version has its fans. Between you and me, my favourite colour version is dark blue and burgundy. Which one you like most?

Now, blue shades, here they come:  

Hello Sky! Discover the Sky Collection of kids prints for your child's room.

Look at the sky!Where The Rainbow flies high. The Sun shines on you and  The Moon winkles to you. Oh no! It’s The Rain Rain pouring from The Clouds! Shoo! Rain Rain. Go away! Cos all the kids want to play.

Play fun and plays silly. Until The Snow Cookie makes you chilly. Until The Sky Hoop makes the loop, Straight to your dream at night. So close your eyes and sleep tight.

Night Night!

Ok, That’s all from me. I hope you found something interesting for you in this article. In my next post I’ll show you the rest from the Sky Collection kids prints. Stay tuned.

Is there anything important I didn’t include here? Drop me a line, post a comment. I would be over the moon if you would share this post with others.

Thank you for reading


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