Gosia here from Design Home Space.
The main headline for this post is about writing about writing. More precisely, I’m writing about not writing.
After setting up this page and the shop I started my ‘life’ on social media. Facebook and Instagram are the main platforms where I usually publish my posts, videos, stories etc. It’s easy, it’s short but I put 100% in it.
So, nice, I like to keep in touch with people that follow me on social media. With blog posts I feel it’s sometimes a one-way channel, it doesn’t give you this instant feedback. So I got a bit slower with updating this blog. It requires (for me) research, decent photos, sources, layout etc. It’s not that easy to press the button and publish something valuable. I simply noticed that this web page is not getting enough attention, gets boring, static and nothing that I wanted it to be.
I created this page called ‘INspirations’. Because it could be an inspiration for you, it is an inspiration for me to keep going: creating, sharing, promoting this shop and my prints. Also, I like to think about this page as an incubator for new posts. If there’s something you like in here, I’ll expand it and write more about it (like The Color Code series).
There you go, that’s my story. At least you know what’s going on behind this page. Keep reading, share your thoughts, let me know what you think.